Many companies hire outside professionals to help manage their Facebook Pages and Ad Accounts. To do so, follow the steps below for adding a partner to Facebook Business Manager.

Note: If you don’t already have a Business Manager account set up, we’ve outlined instructions on how to do so here.

Add Partner to Facebook  Business Manager

1) Click this link or navigate to the top left hand corner of the screen and select Partners. Then choose Partner to share assets with.

2) Enter the Partner Business ID and click next. (Airy’s partner ID is 1658790897669881) click next.

Give Partner Access to Pages

1) Choose Pages from the list of asset types.

2) Then select which Facebook page you’d like to give the partner access to.

3) Finally set the permissions for your partner. The level of access you choose will vary depending on the project. Airy clients should choose Admin Access so that we can implement Airy Automations.

If you’d also like to grant your partner access to your Ad Accounts, proceed to the next section. If not, click Save Changes.

Give Partner Access to Ad Accounts

1) Choose Ad Accounts from the list of asset types.

2) Indicate the Ad Account you’d like the partner to manage.

3) Set permissions for the partner. Again, the level of access you choose will vary depending on the project. Airy clients should choose Manage campaigns so that we can run Send-to-Messenger Ad Campaigns. Click Save Changes.

You should see a confirmation screen with the following text: Assets Added


Now you’re all set! Best of luck with your Facebook campaigns. If you need any assistance with Airy-related projects, send us a message.