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Refer to our channel definition for more information.


POST /channels.list

Sample request

"source": "source to filter on" // optional

Sample response

"data": [
"id": "channel-uuid-1",
"source": "facebook",
"source_channel_id": "fb-page-id-1",
"metadata": {
"name": "my page 1",
// optional
"image_url": ""
"connected": true
"id": "channel-uuid-2",
"source": "facebook",
"source_channel_id": "fb-page-id-2",
"metadata": {
"name": "my page 2"
"connected": true



Sample request

"channel_id": "channel-uuid"

Sample response

"id": "channel-uuid",
"source": "facebook",
"source_channel_id": "fb-page-id-1",
"metadata": {
"name": "my page 1",
// optional
"image_url": ""
"connected": true


POST /channels.update

Update a channel's name or image URL.

Sample request

"channel_id": "channel-uuid",
"name": "new name for this channel", // optional
"image_url": "" // optional

Sample response

"id": "channel-uuid",
"source": "facebook",
"source_channel_id": "fb-page-id-1",
"metadata": {
"name": "new name for this channel",
"image_url": ""
"connected": true

Connecting channels

Airy Live Chat Plugin

Connects a Chat Plugin source to Airy Core.

POST /channels.chatplugin.connect
  • name is a unique identifier of your choice.
"name": "website-identifier-42",
"image_url": "" // optional

Sample response

"id": "1f679227-76c2-4302-bb12-703b2adb0f66",
"source": "chatplugin",
"source_channel_id": "website-identifier-42",
"metadata": {
"name": "website-identifier-42",
"image_url": "" // optional
"connected": true


Connects a Facebook page to Airy Core.

POST /channels.facebook.connect
  • page_id is the Facebook page ID
  • page_token is the page Access Token
  • name is the custom name for the connected page
  • image_url is the custom image URL

Sample request

"page_id": "fb-page-id-1",
"page_token": "authentication token",
"name": "My custom name for this page",
"image_url": "" // optional

Sample response

"id": "channel-uuid-1",
"source": "facebook",
"source_channel_id": "fb-page-id-1",
"metadata": {
"name": "My custom name for this page",
// optional
"image_url": ""


Connects an Instagram account to Airy Core.

POST /channels.instagram.connect
  • page_id is ID of the Facebook page connected to the Instagram account
  • page_token is the Access Token of the Facebook page
  • account_id is the ID of the Instagram account
  • name is the custom name for the connected page
  • image_url (optional) is the custom image URL

Sample request

"page_id": "fb-page-id-1",
"account_id": "ig-account-id",
"page_token": "authentication token",
"name": "My custom name for this account",
"image_url": "" // optional

Sample response

"id": "channel-uuid-1",
"source": "instagram",
"source_channel_id": "ig-account-id",
"metadata": {
"name": "My custom name for this account",
// optional
"image_url": ""


Connects a Whatsapp cloud phone number to Airy.

POST /channels.whatsapp.connect
  • phone_number_id the whatsapp phone number connected to your business account
  • user_token your user access token
  • name is the custom name for the connected page
  • image_url is a custom image url for displaying this channel on the UI

Sample request

"phone_number_id": "1234567",
"user_token": "user access token",
"name": "Customer support hotline",
"image_url": "" // optional

Sample response

"id": "channel-uuid",
"source": "whatsapp",
"source_channel_id": "1234567",
"metadata": {
"name": "Customer support hotline",
"image_url": "" // optional


Connects a Google Business Account to Airy Core.

  • gbm_id is the ID of your Google Business Message agent
  • name is the custom name for the connected business
  • image_url is the custom image URL
"gbm_id": "gbm-id",
"name": "My custom name for this location",
"image_url": "" // optional

Sample response

"id": "channel-uuid-1",
"metadata": {"name": "My custom name for this location", "image_url": ""},
"source": "google",
"source_channel_id": "gbm-id"


POST /channels.twilio.sms.connect
  • phone_number The phone number as listed in your Twilio dashboard. It must not contain spaces and must include the country code.
  • name is the custom name for the connected phone number
  • image_url is the custom image URL

Sample request

phone_number: '+491234567',
name: 'SMS for receipts',
image_url: '', // optional

Sample response

id: 'channel-uuid-1',
metadata: {name: 'SMS for receipts', image_url: ''},
source: 'twilio.sms',
source_channel_id: '+491234567',
connected: true,


POST /channels.twilio.whatsapp.connect
  • phone_number The phone number as listed in your Twilio dashboard. It must not have spaces and must include the country code.
  • name is the custom name for the connected phone number
  • image_url is the custom image URL

Sample request

phone_number: '+491234567',
name: 'WhatsApp Marketing',
image_url: '', // optional

Sample response

id: 'channel-uuid-1',
metadata: {name: 'WhatsApp Marketing', image_url: ''},
source: 'twilio.whatsapp',
source_channel_id: 'whatsapp:+491234567',
connected: true,

Disconnecting channels

Airy Live Chat Plugin

POST /channels.chatplugin.disconnect

A synchronous endpoint that makes a request to the source to disconnect the channel. It marks the channel as disconnected and deletes the auth token.

This action is idempotent, so if the channel is disconnected, the request returns status code 202. If the channel is unknown, the request returns status code 400.

Sample request

channel_id: 'uuid',


Disconnects a Facebook page from Airy Core.

POST /channels.facebook.disconnect

A synchronous endpoint that makes a request to the source to disconnect the channel. It marks the channel as disconnected and deletes the auth token.

This action is idempotent, so if the channel is disconnected, the request returns status code 202. If the channel is unknown, the request returns status code 400.

Sample request

channel_id: 'uuid',


Disconnects an instagram account from Airy Core.

POST /channels.instagram.disconnect

A synchronous endpoint that makes a request to the source to disconnect the channel. It marks the channel as disconnected and deletes the auth token.

This action is idempotent, so if the channel is disconnected, the request returns status code 202. If the channel is unknown, the request returns status code 400.

Sample request

channel_id: 'uuid',



A synchronous endpoint that makes a request to the source to disconnect the channel. It marks the channel as disconnected and deletes the auth token.

This action is idempotent, so if the channel is disconnected, the request returns status code 202. If the channel is unknown, the request returns status code 400.

Sample request

channel_id: 'uuid',

SMS - Twilio

POST /channels.twilio.sms.disconnect

A synchronous endpoint that makes a request to the source to disconnect the channel. It marks the channel as disconnected and deletes the auth token.

This action is idempotent, so if the channel is disconnected, the request returns status code 202. If the channel is unknown, the request returns status code 400.

Sample request

channel_id: 'uuid',

Whatsapp - Twilio

POST /channels.twilio.whatsapp.disconnect

A synchronous endpoint that makes a request to the source to disconnect the channel. It marks the channel as disconnected and deletes the auth token.

This action is idempotent, so if the channel is disconnected, the request returns status code 202. If the channel is unknown, the request returns status code 400.

Sample request

channel_id: 'uuid',

Exploring available channels


POST /channels.facebook.explore

A synchronous endpoint that makes a request to Facebook to list the available Facebook pages. Some of those pages may already be connected, which is accounted for in the boolean field connected. Due to the nature of the request, the response time may vary.

Sample request

"auth_token": "authentication token"

Sample response

"data": [
"name": "my page 1",
"page_id": "fb-page-id-1",
"connected": false,
"image_url": "" // optional
"name": "my page 2",
"page_id": "fb-page-id-2",
"connected": true