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Refer to our conversation definition for more information.


POST /conversations.list

This is a paginated endpoint.


This endpoint allows you to query conversations using the human readable Lucene Query Syntax. You can query on all fields defined in this class.

Sample request

Find users whose name ends with "Lovelace":

"filters": "display_name:*Lovelace", // optional
"cursor": "next-page-uuid",
"page_size": 2

Sample request

"cursor": "next-page-uuid",
"page_size": 2

Sample response

"data": [
"id": "a688d36c-a85e-44af-bc02-4248c2c97622",
"channel": {
"source": "facebook",
"id": "318efa04-7cc1-4200-988e-50699d0dd6e3",
"metadata": {
"name": "Facebook page name"
"created_at": "2019-01-07T09:01:44.000Z",
"metadata": {
"contact": {
"avatar_url": "",
"display_name": "Airy Support"
"tags": {
"f339c325-8614-43cb-a70a-e83d81bf56fc": ""
"unread_count": 1
"last_message": {
id: "{UUID}",
// source message payload
"content": {"text": "Hello World"},
// delivery state of message, one of PENDING, FAILED, DELIVERED
state: "{String}",
"from_contact": true,
//'yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSZ' date in UTC form, to be localized by clients
sent_at: "{string}",
// one of the possible sources
"source": "{String}",
// details about the sender
"sender": {
"id": "github:12345", // For unauthenticated instances this defaults to "airy-core-anonymous"
"name": "John Doe", // optional
"avatar_url": "" // optional
"pagination_data": {
"previous_cursor": null,
"next_cursor": "20",
"total": 1



Sample request

"conversation_id": "a688d36c-a85e-44af-bc02-4248c2c97622"

Sample response

"id": "a688d36c-a85e-44af-bc02-4248c2c97622",
"channel": {
"metadata": {
"name": "Facebook page name"
"id": "318efa04-7cc1-4200-988e-50699d0dd6e3",
"source": "facebook"
"created_at": "2019-01-07T09:01:44.000Z",
"metadata": {
"contact": {
"avatar_url": "",
"display_name": "Airy Support"
"tags": {
"f339c325-8614-43cb-a70a-e83d81bf56fc": ""
"unread_count": 1
"last_message": {
"id": "{UUID}",
// source message payload
"content": {"text": "Hello World"},
// delivery state of message, one of PENDING, FAILED, DELIVERED
"delivery_state": "{String}",
"from_contact": true,
//'yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSZ' date in UTC form, to be localized by clients
"sent_at": "{string}",
// details about the sender
"sender": {
"id": "github:12345", // For unauthenticated instances this defaults to "airy-core-anonymous"
"name": "John Doe", // optional
"avatar_url": "" // optional

Mark conversation as read

POST /conversations.mark-read

Resets the unread count of a conversation.

Sample request

"conversation_id": "a688d36c-a85e-44af-bc02-4248c2c97622"

Empty response (204)

Tag a conversation

Tags an existing conversation with an existing tag. Returns status code 200 if successful.

POST /conversations.tag

Sample request

"conversation_id": "CONVERSATION_ID",
"tag_id": "TAG_ID"

Empty response (204)

Untag a conversation

POST /conversations.untag

Sample request

"conversation_id": "CONVERSATION_ID",
"tag_id": "TAG_ID"

Empty response (204)

Set the state of a conversation

POST /conversations.set-state

Sample request

"conversation_id": "CONVERSATION_ID",
"state": "OPEN"

Empty response (204)

Supported states of a conversation are OPEN and CLOSED.

Remove the state of a conversation

POST /conversations.remove-state

Sample request

"conversation_id": "CONVERSATION_ID"

Empty response (204)

Update contact information

POST /conversations.update-contact

Sample request

"conversation_id": "CONVERSATION_ID",
"display_name": "Grace"

Empty response (204)

Refetch conversation metadata

Refetch all conversation metadata including contact information if supported by the source

POST /conversations.refetch

Sample request

"conversation_id": "CONVERSATION_ID"

Empty response (202)